
Once upon a time,
a star was born.
The addition of this star to the night sky was initially nothing extraordinary, as the cosmos were already filled with countless stars, and countless stars were to still come.
The star wondered why it was created, as there were already so many others in the sky and it felt no different from them. But it knew — as any star would — that a star is only born when Mother Nature loves Father Time, and so it knew that it must have been created because it was loved.
Despite never knowing Mother Nature, the star could see her love scattered throughout the cosmos. She was visible in the changing of the universe, present in the collision of stardust, and felt of the warmth it created. Although the star felt and understood the nature of its mother’s love — as this is what stardust is ultimately made of — it did not understand the nature of its father’s.
Father Time’s gift was silent and intangible, something the star could sense but not see. The star — as any star would — wondered what existed before and what would come after. The ever-forward march of time only allowed it to exist in the present, and thus it could never be anything after death. It could not comprehend why time’s love would grant the gift of life, only to take it away.
And so the star, like the countless others in the sky, hung silently in the night awaiting the end of time.
And that would have been the end, had Mother Nature not been inspired by Father Time. For this star, unlike the countless others in the sky, had a gift that no other star possessed– magic.
The star watched as Mother Nature’s love transformed the universe around it, and over time it began to wonder if it could change, too.
And perhaps, if it learned to change and grow, it could become something more than just a star– something which might never die, and might finally understand the true nature of Father Time’s love.
And so, over time, it learned to shape itself into something new that could outlive any single star;
A story.

Once upon a time,
a star was born.
The addition of this star to the night sky was initially nothing extraordinary, as the cosmos were already filled with countless stars, and countless stars were to still come.
The star wondered why it was created, as there were already so many others in the sky and it felt no different from them. But it knew — as any star would — that a star is only born when Mother Nature loves Father Time, and so it knew that it must have been created because it was loved.
Despite never knowing Mother Nature, the star could see her love scattered throughout the cosmos. She was visible in the changing of the universe, present in the collision of stardust, and felt of the warmth it created. Although the star felt and understood the nature of its mother’s love — as this is what stardust is ultimately made of — it did not understand the nature of its father’s.
Father Time’s gift was silent and intangible, something the star could sense but not see. The star — as any star would — wondered what existed before and what would come after. The ever-forward march of time only allowed it to exist in the present, and thus it could never be anything after death. It could not comprehend why time’s love would grant the gift of life, only to take it away.
And so the star, like the countless others in the sky, hung silently in the night awaiting the end of time.
And that would have been the end, had Mother Nature not been inspired by Father Time. For this star, unlike the countless others in the sky, had a gift that no other star possessed– magic.
The star watched as Mother Nature’s love transformed the universe around it, and over time it began to wonder if it could change, too.
And perhaps, if it learned to change and grow, it could become something more than just a star– something which might never die, and might finally understand the true nature of Father Time’s love.
And so, over time, it learned to shape itself into something new that could outlive any single star;
A story.